How many Teeth do Humans have? - ToothFeed

How Many Teeth Do Humans Have?

How Many Teeth Do Humans Have?

Humans have two sets of teeth throughout their lifespan – primary or “baby” teeth and permanent or “adult” teeth.

Primary Teeth

Also known as deciduous teeth, primary teeth usually start appearing around six months of age. By the time a child is 2 to 2 1/2 years old, all 20 primary teeth typically would have erupted.

Transition to Permanent Teeth

From around the age of six, these primary teeth will begin to fall out, making way for permanent teeth.

Permanent Teeth

Permanent teeth continue to emerge through ages 12 to 14. Most adults will have a total of 32 permanent teeth: 16 on the top and 16 on the bottom.

Breakdown of Permanent Teeth

Permanent teeth are made up of:

– Incisors: 8
– Canines: 4
– Premolars: 8
– Molars: 12 (including 4 wisdom teeth)

Wisdom Teeth

Included in the count of permanent teeth are the third molars, also known as wisdom teeth. These are often removed due to lack of space in the mouth or potential complications, leaving many adults with only 28 teeth.

Statistics About Tooth Loss

According to the CDC, approximately 25% of adults aged 65 and older have no natural teeth remaining. Tooth loss is more prevalent in people who smoke, have diabetes, or suffer from dry mouth. It's important to note that tooth loss can lead to issues with chewing, speaking, and overall health.


The number of teeth humans have varies depending on age and any dental procedures they may have undergone. But typically, most adults will possess between 28 to 32 teeth. Taking care of your teeth throughout your life is crucial to prevent tooth loss and other oral health issues.

For more details on the specifics of this topic, check out the following articles:


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Dr. Thomas is a general dentist that loves sharing information about all aspects of dentistry, but is passionate about digital and implant dentistry. Dr. Thomas received his DMD degree from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and continues to find helpful ways to inform and educate people about dental procedures and products.

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