How many Teeth do Adults have? - ToothFeed

How Many Teeth Do Adults Have?

How Many Teeth Do Adults Have? – Understanding the Dental Makeup

Adults typically have 32 permanent teeth in total – 16 on the top (maxillary arch) and 16 on the bottom (mandibular arch). However, these teeth, including 8 incisors, 4 canines (cuspids), 8 premolars (bicuspids), and 12 molars, don't erupt all at once.

Eruption Timeline of Permanent Teeth

Permanent teeth don't erupt all at once. Instead, they surface over multiple years, typically spanning from age 6 to 21. Here's a detailed permanent teeth chart with eruption dates:

Adult Permanent Teeth Chart with Eruption Dates

Diverse Functions of Different Teeth

Just like their primary counterparts, different types of permanent teeth carry their own unique shapes and functionalities during chewing.


The four front teeth in each arch, known as incisors, are primarily used for cutting food.


The canines are the four pointed teeth on either side of the incisors and are utilized for tearing food.


Between the canines and molars, you find eight premolars. These teeth are responsible for crushing and grinding food.


Located at the back of the mouth, twelve molars are instrumental in grinding and chewing food.

The Special Case of Wisdom Teeth

The wisdom teeth, the four molars at the back of the mouth, are the last teeth to erupt, typically between ages 17 and 21. Not everyone gets wisdom teeth, and when they do appear, they can sometimes cause issues such as crowding or impacted teeth.

Tooth Loss in Adults

Unfortunately, tooth loss is a reality for many adults. According to the CDC, about 18% of adults aged 20-64 have lost one or more permanent teeth. It is more common in individuals who smoke, have diabetes, or experience dry mouth, and can lead to problems with chewing, speaking, and overall health.

In conclusion, an adult typically has 32 teeth, each playing a unique role in the functioning of the mouth. Understanding them can help maintain your oral health and longevity of your teeth.

For more details on the specifics of this topic, check out the following articles:

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Dr. Thomas is a general dentist that loves sharing information about all aspects of dentistry, but is passionate about digital and implant dentistry. Dr. Thomas received his DMD degree from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and continues to find helpful ways to inform and educate people about dental procedures and products.

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