What is SmileActives? - ToothFeed

What is SmileActives?

SmileActives: A Comprehensive Review

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Overview of SmileActives

SmileActives is a company offering an array of teeth-whitening products, including the Smile Actives power teeth whitening gel and the Smile Actives whitening pen. While the company claims that their products can brighten your smile during your routine brushing, it's crucial to delve into their effectiveness and safety.

Product Breakdown

SmileActives Power Teeth Whitening Gel

This product is designed to be combined with your regular toothpaste to “whiten your teeth.” The gel's primary ingredient is hydrogen peroxide, a known teeth bleaching agent. However, the exposure time from brushing alone (typically 2 minutes, twice a day) might not be sufficient for effective teeth whitening.

SmileActives Whitening Pen

The whitening pen is another product in SmileActives' line, comprising a gel infused with hydrogen peroxide. Users apply this gel directly to their teeth, expecting progressive whitening over time. Yet, the product's efficacy remains under scrutiny.

Statistics and Efficacy

A study featured in the Journal of the American Dental Association raised doubts about the effectiveness of SmileActives products in teeth whitening. The research findings indicated that individuals using SmileActives didn't observe any notable enhancement in teeth brightness.

In summary, the prevailing evidence suggests that SmileActives products might not deliver on their teeth-whitening promises. Thus, individuals seeking noticeable results should explore other proven alternatives.

Potential Risks of Using SmileActives

  • Sensitivity: The hydrogen peroxide content can induce teeth sensitivity.
  • Gum Irritation: Prolonged exposure to hydrogen peroxide might irritate the gums.
  • Discoloration: Contrary to the intended outcome, hydrogen peroxide might occasionally discolor teeth.

Given these potential drawbacks, it's paramount to approach SmileActives with caution and seek professional dental advice before use.


If you're contemplating using SmileActives for teeth whitening, understanding the potential risks and the lack of conclusive evidence regarding its efficacy is essential. For a more personalized assessment and alternative recommendations, consult with your dentist.

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