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Invisalign Attachments

Invisalign Attachments: A Comprehensive Guide

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What are Invisalign attachments?

Invisalign attachments, also referred to as “buttons”, vary in shape—be it circular, rectangular, or triangular. The specific shape depends on the desired tooth movement. Made from a tooth-colored dental composite, these attachments bond directly to the teeth, offering an anchor for the Invisalign aligner. Though small and generally inconspicuous, they play a crucial role in making teeth movement more efficient. Once the Invisalign treatment concludes, the attachments are completely removed.

When are Invisalign attachments indicated?

Attachments are primarily needed when teeth are significantly misaligned or resistant to desired movement. The decision to use them will be clarified during your Invisalign consultation. While recommended in certain cases, they remain subtle and often go unnoticed by most people.

Will others notice the Invisalign attachments?

The visibility of the Invisalign attachments depends largely on their location. Attachments on front teeth might be more discernible, but their tooth-colored nature minimizes their prominence, making them less noticeable upon casual observation.

What if your Invisalign attachment comes off?

If an attachment comes off, it’s important to notify your dental office. They might advise an immediate visit to reattach it or may wait until your next scheduled appointment. Occasional detachment, especially when transitioning to tighter aligner trays, is not uncommon.

Additional Information and Statistics about Invisalign attachments

Invisalign attachments are strategically designed, tooth-colored protrusions bonded onto teeth, aiding in precise teeth movement. They amplify the aligner's force, stabilize teeth, and counteract potential aligner slippage. Placement is a simple procedure, typically lasting 15-30 minutes per tooth. Their tenure on the teeth spans the entire Invisalign treatment duration, post which they are safely removed.

While the attachments aim for subtlety, close inspection might reveal them. However, their benefits, ranging from enhancing treatment efficacy to preventing aligner slippage, outweigh their aesthetic presence.

Statistics highlight that about 70% of Invisalign users require these attachments, with the average count being 10-12 per patient. Despite being primarily located on the chewing surfaces, front teeth might also have them in certain cases. Their material can be composite resin or a dental bonding component, and they typically remain for 1-2 years. Upon completion of the treatment, dentists professionally remove them. For those mulling over Invisalign, discussing the necessity of attachments with a dentist or orthodontist is crucial.

Jordan Thomas, DMD - SEO.Dentist
CEO at ToothFeed | Opinion Two

Dr. Thomas is a general dentist that loves sharing information about all aspects of dentistry, but is passionate about digital and implant dentistry. Dr. Thomas received his DMD degree from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and continues to find helpful ways to inform and educate people about dental procedures and products.

Are you looking for a second opinion? Dr. Thomas is the CEO of Opinion Two Nonprofit Organization. Opinion Two is available online or on mobile app and it allows patients to receive dental second opinions with top US-licensed dentists. All proceeds are used to benefit future generations of dentists through scholarships and benefits to pre-dental programs.